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  1. My word is my bond. 我说话算数
  2. A promise is a promise. 言出必行
  3. I didn't catch that. 我没听清楚
  4. Consider it done. 包在我身上
  5. Don't get cocky: 别太自大
  6. Don't sell yourself short: 不要低估自己
  7. You look dashing: 你看起来帅呆了
  8. Another day, another dollar: 做和尚一天,撞一天钟
  9. With all due respect: 恕我直言
  10. Get to the point: 废话少说
  11. Don't beat around the bush: 别拐弯抹角
  12. Don't patronize me: 不要敷衍我
  13. Make up your mind: 下定决心吧
  14. Go with the flow: 顺其自然 / let nature take its course.
  15. We are on the same page: 我们目标一致
  16. Have a good day: 祝你今天过得愉快
  17. If memory serves. 如果我没记错的话
  18. I kid you not. 没和你开玩笑
  19. Life is so hard/ Having a difficult time. 人生好难

About love

  1. I like being around with you. 我喜欢和你在一起
  2. Keep me company. 陪陪我吧
  3. You're my priority. 你是我最在乎的人
  4. You mean everything to me. 你是我的一切
  5. I'm crazy about you. 为你着迷
  6. You're the love of my life. 你是我一生挚爱
  7. You make me wanna be a better man
  8. You're so sweet
  9. See you around.

Easy English Expression - e cubed

  1. What propose does it serve? 这是干啥的
  2. I couldn't help it. 控制不住自己
  3. Look away. 看向别处 Don't look away from me when I'm talking to you.
  4. to push it: it means (your) luck. eg: you're pushing it. (你过分/过头了,别这样)
  5. Are you done it?

99 What the heck is wrong with you?

= What's your problem?

What the hell is wrong with you? What in the world is wrong with you? What on earth is wrong with you?

100: in heat


  • 开头强调:

Now, heads-up that I'll need your undivided attention to this section as it concerns all project stakeholders, Appreciated! (现在提醒下大家,我需要大家对这部分全神贯注,因为会涉及所有的项目相关方,感谢!)

  • 收尾:感谢 + todo + 客套

That brings us to a close. Thank you all again for your time, and I'll circulate(群发) the meeting to-dos in our email group. Don't hesitate to ping me directly if you have any questions. Have a good one!

Get buy-in from all stakeholders.(获得所有相关方的同意) - 当想就一个项目或者想法凝聚共识的时候

Seek advice(Ask for value-add) form stakeholders.- 从他人那里获得一些反馈或者意见,但并不需要征求他们的共识的时候。

In case I don't see you. Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.